Sneltoetsen die je tijd besparen

Je weet dat we van een snelle workflow houden. Daarom willen we graag deze niet te missen sneltoetsen met je delen.

Copy and paste
Ctrl + c Copy (multiple) product(s)
Ctrl + v Paste (multiple) product(s)
m Activate movement
s Activate scaling
r Activate rotating
q Rotate selection over 90°
Ctrl + q Rotate selection over 45° on Y
Shift + q Rotate selection over 90° on X
Ctrl + shift + q Rotate selection over 45° on X
Alt + q Rotate selection over 90° on Z
Ctrl + alt + q Rotate selection over 45° on Z
d Activate duplicating
Ctrl + r/m/s Duplicate selection and rotate/move/scale will be active on that duplication
n Activate the snapping and switch between point-to-point and surface-to-surface
Esc Disable the snapping