This frame is
ClimatePartner Certified!

We managed to make a substantial part of our product range CLIMATEPARTNER CERTIFIED. We are talking about more than 90% of our ECO+ frames, produced on our automatic line. By doing so, we reduced our emissions by more than 9.000 tonnes per year. 

Climate Certified Frame-1

Full transparency.

These frames now have a ClimatePartner Certified Label. ClimatePartner is a German independent organisation that assists companies in calculating and reducing CO2 emissions and finances climate projects.
The following emissions were taken into account for these calculations: cradle-to-customer + end-of-life.

Download the full certificate for your frame + toolless connect + 4 pin, by clicking the right dimension:

Going epic
for the planet.

The frame now has a small label but one with a huge impact! We applied various measures in the production process and for our most common frame, for example, we reduced the footprint by 64%.

9.000 tonnes CO2

By doing this for 90% of our product range, we reduce our emissions by more than 9.000 tonnes CO2. That’s the emission equivalent of 1,4 million cheeseburgers, according to The Carbon Footprint of Everything by expert Mike Breners-Lee.  

Let's talk
about material.

We managed to significantly lower the footprint of the beMatrix frame by using  
78,5% recycled aluminium.

This amount is the most economical and ecological ratio possible without loss of quality. 


What is included
in the calculations?

To be complete and exact, we took the footprint of the following products into account: 

  • All straight frames produced on our automatic line with the ECO+ finish

  • The toolless connector 

  • 4-pin 180 D30 ECO

We took the product lifecycle into account and received the CRADLE TO CUSTOMER + END OF LIFE certificate as we can impossibly define what the footprint of the use of the product is. 

What changes for our customers? 

As a beMatrix customer, you now buy CLIMATEPARTNER CERTIFIED frames. All our measures, numbers and contributions can be tracked by scanning the QR code next to the ClimatePartner label on the frame itself or you can download the certificates on this page. With this, you can offer a unique value to your customers. You can differentiate yourself from competitors. You can keep doing epic shit.  


We are fully transparent in our efforts. And we will keep taking steps, every day. To offer you the most sustainable solution out there!