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  2. ClimatePartner certified frame

What does ClimatePartner certified mean?

To obtain a ClimatePartner certified frame, 5 steps were taken:

Step 1. Calculating emissions 

First the carbon emissions of a straight ECO+ frame together with 1 connector and 1 4-pin were calculated, in line with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard (GHG Protocol). The scope of this calculation follows the cradle-to-customer plust waste approach. Since emissions during the use of the product are difficult to impossible to control, this was kept out of the calculation. 

Step 2. Establish reduction targets 

With our Project C! strategy we have the ambition to become Carbon Neutral by 2026. In order to achieve this, reduction targets were needed. Therefore, we calculated our company carbon footprint in 2021, using the 2019 data as base year. We’re still calculating our company carbon footprint yearly. Measuring our impact has enabled us to set reduction targets. Following the Paris Agreement (1,5° reduction), we set the following targets: 46,2 tCO2e reductions for Scope 1 and 2 and 27,5 tCO2e reduction for Scope 3. 

Step 3.  Implement reduction targets 

By significantly increasing the percentage of recycled aluminium in our frames, we were able to achieve a drastic reduction in carbon footprint. We managed to increase the percentage of recycled aluminium in our ECO+ frames to 78.5% early this year. By doing so, we’ve reduced more than 9 000 tonnes CO2.  

We remain committed to working with our partners to continue to increase this percentage.  

Step 4. Finance climate projects 

We engage in financing two climate projects. On the one hand, we support a project on clean drinking water in Laos and on the other hand, a project on tree planting by Life Terra. For more information: 

Step 5. Communicate transparently 

As a final step, we like to communicate our progress to our customers and the entire outside world through our own various channels. We are proud of where we are today and where we continue to strive and want to be a lever in the industry to achieve sustainable positive impact. 

We communicate the ClimatePartner on online via social media and our website and offline on the frames itself, making it feasible, visible and transparent for every user of the frame.